Philadelphia Gum Surgery 

As the stages of periodontal or gum disease progress, a patient’s oral and dental health become threatened. Advanced Gum Surgery Philadelphia, PAforms of Philadelphia gum treatment will be required to prevent the spread of disease and prevent or isolate dental, gum tissue or even bone structure decay. Depending on your symptoms, our dentists may recommend one or several treatments. Common periodontal procedures include:

  • A gingivectomy, which removes the extra gum tissue that can envelope the teeth and make them difficult to clean.
  • A gingivoplasty, which reshapes and molds the gum’s tissue. This can also include treatments, such as crown lengthening and gum grafting, that repair receding gum tissue and protect exposed and weakened areas of the tooth near the gum line.
  • A pocket reduction or gingival flap surgery, which separates, cleans, and reattaches the gum tissue in order to minimize deep periodontal pockets that can cause periodontal disease.

Should you require alternative treatments, our experienced dental team will determine the course of action that best fits you. American Dental Associates will make sure your Philadelphia gum surgery is successful, following up with post-surgical appointments and steps. If you have questions about your upcoming surgery, instructions for at-home care after your surgery, or to schedule a periodontal surgery in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, call our dental office at 215-331-1330.


American Dental Associates – Philadelphia
3428 Rhawn St, Philadelphia, PA 19136
(215) 331-1330